In real business scenarios, enterprise users deal with various business processes. VeChain intends to help enterprise users achieve the transparency, openness, and visualization of data with low development and labor costs. Based on our extensive experience implementing multiple different business applications, VeChain ToolChain® provides a standard tool, called Process Builder.
You can access Process Builder if you opt in the ToolChain Platform-as-a-Service ("PaaS") product module or you can request your Reseller for the process customization service.
Through 4 simple steps, enterprise users can use the Process Builder to quickly build business processes, exploit valuable key data, and secure and visualize key data on the blockchain.
The Process Builder is composed of a built-in Standard Traceability Process Template (for a quick start), and a Customizable Template (which can be modified with a range of data collection points (DCP) and data collection units (DCU)). The users can also change the language and activation page after creating the template.
1 comment
Awesome documentation. However, the Process_Builder_Framework_0407.jpg is missing.
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